
Opportunities....Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! Well I cant believe that 2011 has come and gone and that today is day one of 2012. 2011 has had its good and bad just like everything in life, but I wouldn't change a thing because that is what builds character and makes us who we are. 2011 gave me many gift which I am grateful for... Lots of Travel, getting accepted to my masters and now living in Madrid and a handful of new friends both here in Madrid and in Panama. 2011 also gave me the guts and inspiration to start this blog... which I write and post with lots of love everyday (well almost ;)) and I would also just like to say THANK YOU to those of you who come back everyday looking forward to read more.

I am beyond exited to see what 2012 has to offer, but not only that, I feel that people during the anticipation of the New Year are always "expecting" for the New Year to bring them something, new opportunities, love, friendship. But the way I see it, we can't just sit around with our arms crossed waiting too see what the year will bring us. We have to get up off our tushies and seize every opportunity, and realize that sometimes those come hidden and we have to willing to look for them. Dig a little, wipe off the dust that may covering something amazing.

So I leave you with this... in 2012 get up off your tush and be willing to wipe off the dust because sometimes the best opportunities come hidden where you least expect them.

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